Sunday, September 30, 2007

Autumn heralds R1 deadlines

It's been a full 2 months that this blog has sprung back to life. With the GMAT done, I thought the hardest was over. How wrong, and how vain.

The last 2 months were grueling - there have been times I've thought my essay drafts were absolutely awesome - and then thought they should be gutted the very next day. It's hard, this writing game, since there are no benchmarks, no comparisons, no percentiles that serve as a crutch to your dreams. It's like shooting at flying targets in the dark - take aim, take your best shot and fire. It's a hit or miss.

B-schools make the field even more level - by encouraging almost anyone from 1-10 years out of school to apply, regardless of industry, education or nationality.

I've been caught up in this write-introspect-edit cycle for weeks now. I know not if I possess the much-talked about wow factor, I don't even know if there is any such thing. I'm visiting Chicago on October 12, and really would like to talk to folks there, since I've heard so much about this school.

My first recommender has already agreed to write what it takes, I talk to the second one tomorrow.

Sorry if this blog seems in bits-n-pieces and scattered all over, but I also promised myself that I'd blog more often - I feel it is cathartic. I also hope the now-defunct blogging community kickstarts back to life, and becomes alive with comments/posts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I know not if I possess the much-talked about wow factor"
Huh!! If 760 GMAT is not a Wow, then what is? :-|
Other than that, I've seen ur writing style and I must say u can call that another WOW!!
Just be honest and diligent with ur essays and u'll be through!!

Lemme know if u need any help from my side.. U can drop me a mail at quizophobic(at)gmail(dot)com